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To Read the Bible: Ebook or Hard Copy

Indeed, fast and quick aptly describes our modern society.

Our lives are overloaded; 7-7 job, 8-5 job, 9-6 job, etc. Just like adjusting to the different phases of a growing child, we adjust and adapt to every phase in time.

The fast moving modern life approves the reading of the eBible. Besides, God lives in us and we carry Him with us all the time and everywhere (1John 4:12-13)

There are no hard and fast rules as regards communication with the Spirit. Reading or studying the bible on a screen does not annul the power of the Word.

After all, interfacing with a virtual class is not inferior to physical presence in a classroom. Same knowledge!

In time past, scrolls were used to store information. Overtime, it has evolved to the use of books and now, it has gone digital. Whichever that is convenient for you to use at any time can be used.

Most important is the command in Revelation 22:18-19 concerning not adding to or subtracting from God's Word. As far as that is obeyed, the medium of reading matters little.

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