These are secrets straight from God's heart:
1. Be Seen: Until you are seen, no proposal can take place (whether to propose or be proposed to). Create opportunities for people to meet you.
2. Intentional Dressing: Dressing connects people to your philosophy of life i.e. your beliefs and values. Are you aware that your dressing can open doors or shut it?
3. Be Sociable: Sometimes, we get so spiritual that we forget another part of life called social. Try to socialize.
4. Be Industrious: Men are attracted to industrious women. Laziness chases them away.
5. Divine Guidance: A partner chosen carelessly is an ingredient for a speedy divorce. Pray to attract the one destined for you.
6. Sharp Packaging: You must know how to package yourself. Do not allow yourself to grow out of proportion in size.
P.S: For further detailed tips, order Attracting the Right Partner by Innocent Angel Nwawuike.
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